
Our experience in conducting Canadian Airport Performance Evaluations is second to none. Since 2001 we have conducted 41 performance evaluations at 17 of the 26 airports in the Canadian National Airports System, and two of the three regional airports in Alberta.

The evaluations we conduct serve the needs of the client to show Transport Canada that the aerodrome is safe, secure, uses appropriate business plans, and has an appropriate governance model. The evaluations are realistic, prudent, diplomatic, and frugal.

Our evaluators are trustworthy and competent to perform the evaluation. Evaluation findings achieve maximum credibility and acceptance. We ensure that information collected is broadly selected, using multiple lines of evidence to address pertinent questions about the program. The perspectives, procedures, and rationale used to interpret the findings are carefully described, so that the basis for value judgments is clear.

Our reports clearly describe the evaluation, including its context, and the purposes, procedures, and findings. Essential information is provided and easily understood.

Our evaluations are planned, conducted, and reported in ways that encourage follow-through by stakeholders, so that the likelihood that the evaluation will be used is increased.